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Case Study

Refusing To Settle

The Challenge

Quick service food customers find themselves in a sea of sameness, discerning little difference between the myriad restaurant options available. Pita Pit felt trapped as everyone, from burger joints to sandwich shops, slowly began to make the switch to what they saw as their key differentiator—delicious, yet highly nutritious, food. Other, bigger brands had annexed “fresh” and “healthy”, and customers didn’t really care who did what, first. Pita Pit realized the pickle it was getting into, and looked to Cult to help distance itself from the ocean of choices the public found itself inundated with.

The Solution

In an industry with unrelenting competition and ubiquitous sameness, we needed to show that Pita Pit could help people to break free from monotony. Through their stores, their marketing, their people, and most importantly, their food, they serve up regular reminders to opt out of the tried and the tired. We had to find ways to get customers to forget about forgettable food, take a bite out of boring and refuse to settle for the status quo.

Admittedly, the mission we planned was ambitious, but it was achievable because the approach was so simple. “Pita Pit brings delicious variety into people’s lives everyday, with the food they serve and in the way we serve it.” We found ways to tailor the menu to have more customizable options for customers, making for limitless possibilities, and changing how people enjoyed their meals. New ideas were sought and implemented, such as the development of a rewards program, an amped up social presence, and communications that were as innovative as the products and services the chain offered. Finally, Cult found ways to put emphasis on Pita Pit’s new, and not so ordinary, values—and give customers delicious permission to “Refuse to Settle”.

The Result

Since working with Cult, Pita Pit has clawed its way into the top 30 fastest growing quick service restaurants. They have nearly doubled their number of franchises, to a remarkable 400-plus locations across North America. And finally, they have increased store traffic by 8%, showing great promise for continued growth in the years to come.

Further Reading

Turbocharging organic growth

Big Rock Brewery

Adding a new face

To Albertan beer

Cowboys Casino

Personifying a

Legendary Party


Helping one of the world’s best cult brands find new ways to remain irresistible.

FIX: A new prescription to cure disengaged customers, prospects or staff
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